Ultimate Review of Mitutoyo 293-340-30

Mitutoyo 293-340-30 is the best micrometers so far that we recommend. It has excellent quality both for standard use and also for professionals.

In this post, we are very happy to review it directly. We’ve just bought it. We are going to uncover all about it. This post covers the content of the first time we unbox the micrometer to some experiments of the measurement.

Unboxing the Mitutoyo 293-340-30 and Setting the Origin

Need to remember that buying a Mitutoyo micrometer has to be careful. There are some counterfeit products out there. The easiest way to stay away from those is by purchasing from the official distributors.

Mitutoyo 293-340-30
Mitutoyo 293-340-30

Here is the page where you can search for the authorized distributors near your address. Simply, enter your zip code, then select “Small Tools, Measuring Instruments and Data Management” and finally hit “Go”.

In case you find it from another seller’s name, thus you have to check and match. For example, MS-Viking. We have confirmed it and it’s one of the official distributors of Mitutoyo in the United States.

Micrometer Unboxing Video

Anti-corrosion Paper
The Anti-corrosion Paper

It comes with a black hard box, a piece of battery SR44, a wrench to adjust the zero position of the thimble, a certificate of inspection, a piece of instruction paper on how to remove the brown paper, and an instruction brochure to set the origin function.

Be careful of the brown paper that wraps the micrometer. It needs special care. Its function is to provide total protection against corrosion during the storage. However, it’s dangerous to breathe near it. Use a disposal glove, mask your nose, and pull out the paper slowly.

Mitutoyo 293-340-30 Inspection Certificate
Certificate of Inspection from Mitutoyo

Setting the Origin Feature

To set the origin function, firstly you need to install the battery. Once installed, there will be some characters displayed blinkingly. Pushing the origin button will turn them to zero all. And turning the thimble will turn those blinking characters to numbers (reading happens). The next step is to turn the thimble until the anvil and spindle face are closed. Use the ratchet stop in order to give the right force. Then, push again the origin button. It will display the blinking “P” character above the numbers. Pushing the origin button again will disappear it. Once the P disappear, the origin has been set properly.

Make sure before you do this origin set, clean up the measuring faces as clean as possible. A very small micron size particle can cause disruption to accuracy and enter the wrong value. If you think you need to reset the origin value. You can close the faces again, push origin, blinking “P” appears, and then push origin again.

The Micrometer Review

At the first time taking hold of this stuff, we know how amazing it is. It is heavyweight. We turn around the thimble, it feels so smooth. The measuring faces look very flat and parallel. Even it looks like a mirror. You can spot any tiny dust sticking on it.

Talking about the features, we decide to cover them into two sections:


  • Excellent Resolution 0.001 mm / 0.00005″. A 0.001 mm resolution micrometer is the standard spec your micrometer has to exceed today.
  • Outstanding Accuracy ±0.001 mm / ±0.00005″. According to the comparison that we made, you’ll realize that this Mitutoyo 293-340-30 has the highest accuracy ±0.001 mm. This value is gained from a series of scoring and mathematical formula process. To explain it in an easy way, the smaller the value the better it is.
  • Traceable to NIST. Based on the certificate of inspection, they use a standard that is traceable to NIST. In other words, the measurement that the micrometer did is also traceable to NIST.
  • Meets IP65 dust and water protection rating. Actually, we consider IP54 as the standard IP rating for a digital micrometer. An IP65 rated micrometer exceeds the required standard.
  • Imperial Reading on thimble and sleeve scale (for manual reading). You need to wait for minutes in order to receive a new battery if it’s off. The manual scale is available in imperial graduates, with the same resolution.
  • Origin function button. This function lets you set your zero position and the value.
  • 1,2-year battery life. Not only is the friendly battery price, but the micrometer is also energy-efficient.
  • Smooth thimble turn. Such no friction feeling. It undoubtedly feels how smooth it turns.
  • Auto-off. You can use it and forget it.
  • Carbide-tipped measuring faces. This is what yours posses nowadays. If the faces are easy to scratch, the accuracy is unreliable. A micron size scratch can affect the measurement.
  • Warranty. It comes with a one-year warranty. Your satisfaction is their attention.

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  • Ratchet stop. It’s not easy to reach the ratchet stop by a single hand. Consequently, you need to employ your two hands to do it.
  • Rotating spindle. This is the typical downside of a digital micrometer. However, this is not a big deal unless you plan to use it for paper and thin plastic measurement.
  • Unsupported by a data output port. This model is not supported by a data transfer port. Luckily, you could still get it with the other models.
  • No on/off function button. It matters in terms of battery consumption. As you can see, no power button available. You have to let it and turn off itself.
  • Some counterfeit it. As long as you buy from the authorized distributor, it’s okay. It’s very disappointing to see that yours is junk.
  • No vernier scale. Even though you can read the measurement through the scale, it’s no extra vernier scale available there. The vernier scale can magnify the reading and provide better resolution.

Things to Consider During the Use

Basically, using this digital micrometer is similar to using the other micrometers. However, we intend to emphasize some parts here.

Don’t solely use the thimble to give pressure to the object being measured. Use the ratchet when it is close to clamp the object. This ratchet is designed to give the right pressure. Don’t apply the pressure with the thimble.

Before doing the measurement, make sure to clean up the measuring faces. If there is a difference compared to the value of the first origin set, there must be something. A tiny small dust particle even can make a change to the reading. Use a soft cloth to do it.

In addition, we realize that any dust or dirt or even oil or water can affect the reading result. It’s good to care if you clean up the surface of the object to be measured first before closing the anvil and spindle on it. So, both the spindle and anvil faces and the workpiece surface need to be cleaned up.

Furthermore, we recommend using a stand for a better measurement result. As this micrometer doesn’t provide a ratchet thimble, you will not easily use it with a single hand. Moreover, using the stand can reduce any possible error caused by your hand.

Never drop the micrometer! Remember that a micrometer is very sensitive. A 0.001 mm change can impact significantly. Accuracy is everything in terms of measuring tools especially this precision linear measuring tool.

Don’t close the spindle and anvil during the storage! You have to make them separated. In case the spindle extends due to increasing temperature, there is space to extend.

Register to Take Advantage of the Ownership

Simply you could browse to this URL to fill in some sign-up processes and take advantage of the ownership of the micrometer.

Overall Score

Overall, purchasing a Mitutoyo 293-340-30 is a great choice. It meets the standard of specification for professionals. In terms of accuracy and precision, this is absolutely the winner. Moreover, it provides excellent protection from dust and water.

Even though it has its downsides, they are not a big deal. It doesn’t negatively impact accuracy directly. And the solution is available. Compared to the upsides, there is obviously no hesitation to buy this best micrometer.

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