Both digital and non-digital, there are several tools to measure the angles that you have to know. This can be important to enrich your idea and ability to solve different problems during work sich each of them is used for different purposes. So, this page may help you decide which one is suitable for you.
We are trying to cover comprehensively all the tools used to measure the angles. These are the 11 options that successfully gather for you.
11 Types of Tools to Measure Angles
1. Protractor
The protractor allows you to measure an angle that is generated by two sides of an object. And therefore, you could do the measurement at any position you want as long as you get the angle.
This type of angle measuring tool can be digital or non-digital. The digital lets you quickly measure but requires battery power. You don’t need battery power when it comes to a mechanical protractor but you couldn’t get the reading quickly. Make sure your vision is good when using the mechanical one.
There are several types of protractors commonly used:
- Semi-circle Protractor
- Full circle Protractor
- Quarter Circle Protractor
- Square Protractor
- Miter Protractor
- Medical Protractor
- Bevel Protractor
- Digital Protractor

Read more about the types of protractors and their advantages here. Our top selected mechanical protractors are also readable for you.
2. Clinometer
The clinometer sets its 0-degree graduation equal to earth gravitation. So, it measures the deviation from the gravitational reference point. Like others, its reading is in degree.

You can use a clinometer to measure the height of a tree. This instrument is also used in aviation, transportation (bus, truck, etc), surveying, etc.
3. Angle Gauge or Angle Cube
An angle gauge or angle cube lets you measure the surface angle easily against the horizontal axis in which using the protractor can be impossible to do. Simply put the angle gauge on the surface you want to measure its angle, and then it will display the reading.
Plumbers who want to install a pipe can easily apply this tool to measure the pipe slope. If the angle cube is magnetic, the work can be more convenient to do because it will stick on the pipe. Besides, woodworkers also use to measure the tilt of a table saw blade.
The model can be digital or mechanical. Both of them have different advantages and you could consider which one is more suitable for you.
4. Level
A flat object is considered level whenever the surface is perpendicular to the gravitation. When an inclinometer shows a reading of 90 degrees, it means level.
There are several tools you can use to measure level: spirit level, machinist level, laser level, inclinometer, and angle cube.
In construction and carpentry, spirit levels such as box-beam level, I-beam level, post level, string line level, torpedo level, etc are the most suitable choice to pick. While for engineers and machinists, a machinist level is the best one.
Spirit levels also vary in terms of shape adapting its purpose. There are torpedo level, post level, and many more. Some of them are also digital and come with laser.
5. Plumb Bob
Plumb bob shows the direction of the gravitation. The weight always falls down to the earth. You can use the string as the 0-degree reference point of gravitation. People also can use the plumb bob with a speed square to determine a slope of a surface.
6. Square Tools (90-degree Checker)
There are many square tools such as combination square, double square, try square, speed square, T square, framing square, and machinist square.
A square tool doesn’t show the reading of the degree of an angle. However, it’s designed as a gauge. If a part or wood piece is not 90° shaped, then it will generate a gap that can be seen by the eyes. Use an accurate feeler gauge to determine the thickness of that gap.
The advantage given by the try square is the speed. You could easily determine an angle whether it’s a 90 angle or not.
Moreover, it can be a ruler. Instead of carrying the ruler, this tool provides two functions at the same time.
Try square for woodworking is different from try square for machinists. Even though they are both L-shaped, the machinist model requires a high degree of squareness or perpendicularity.
7. Bevel Gauge
As the name says, a bevel gauge doesn’t measure, but it gauges. The angle of a bevel gauge can be set as you want. If you have an angle block set, you can copy one of them and gauge any object’s edge. For example, pick the 10-degree angle block and use it to check any edge whether it’s 10-degree or not.
8. Multiple Angle Measuring Ruler
Like bevel gauge, though this tool cannot exactly measure the angle, however, it’s very helpful to simplify your job in accordance with angle measurement. Instead of measuring each angle and measuring the length of the sides one by one, a multi-angle measuring ruler functions to copy the multiple angles of an object easily. Moreover, it duplicates the dimension as well so you don’t need to measure the side length again.
When you have made a trapezium board, and you want to duplicate that board for several copies, you could easily do that with this tool.
9. Angle Block Set
You can use it as a calibration set for your angle measuring tools.
10. Sine Bar
A sine bar doesn’t show directly the reading of angle. Instead, you have to do some math of trigonometry. By the support of the gauge block as the height adjustment, a sine bar will shape a triangle. The accuracy of gauge block and sine bar is highly determinable to the accuracy of the angle measurement.
11. Angle Setter for Sharpening System
If you are going to sharpen your chisel or knife using a sharpening machine, setting the angle of your chisel on the circular sharpener can be an obvious challenge. Putting the chisel or knife at the right angle can determine how good the sharpening is. By using this angle setter, your work is easier as you can set your preferred angle.
Last Thought
That’s all for the tools to measure angles. They are easy to find in workshops.
In summary, you need to choose the right tool to measure the angle. If you have to measure the surface’s angle accurately, the angle gauge is suitable for that job. While protractor is used when you have to measure an angle generated by two sides that intersect. You could use a try square to make sure whether a certain angle is 90 degrees or not. On the other hand, using a multi-angle measuring ruler lets you duplicate several angles of a single object easily, allows you to work faster.
Don’t forget to check the accuracy of your angle measuring tools by using a machinist angle block. These angles can come in a set.